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Sara Quaglieni Meng Mice

Experienced COO/Operations Director/Transformation and Strategy Director

Sara started her career as a structural engineer, developing a passion for environmental design that then led her to train as a building services engineer. She then followed her interest in people to become Head of Learning and Development at Buro Happold, an award-winning consulting engineering partnership. From here she went on to become Global Operations Director for Buro Happold and Operations Director for Hoare Lea. In these roles, she became adept at translating strategic vision into impactful business transformations. She has a track record in improving client service and offers, financial results, and employee engagement through diverse transformations, including people interventions, business development planning, and technology integrations.

Sara is passionate about creating inclusive teams and working with them to excel, achieve their potential and find their own personal passions. A professionally qualified coach and NLP master practitioner Sara has coached and mentored a wide range of people to find balance in their personal and professional life and excel at the things that are important to them. Sara is also part of a neurodiverse coaching community and has regularly coached those who identify as neurodiverse, helping them to recognise and use their unique talents and more successfully navigate a business world often not set up to accommodate them.